
Day 1: The Political Economy of Land Activity 1 – Introducing Module 3 Activity 2 – The Political Economy of Land  Activity 3 – A Land Resistance Expo – the historical context – land, race, class and gender  Day 2: Determinants of Health Activity 4...
Pre-Contact Work

Pre-Contact Work

This preparatory work is shared a few weeks before the module and is presented on Day 1 in the module.  Module 3 of the fellowship programme has a key focus on land dispossession in the Eastern Cape.  This links into the established overall theme of the module of the...

Module 3 Programme

SUN 21 August Reconnecting Activity 1 (07h30-11h00) Pre-contact work (Introducing the historical context) TEA (11h00-11h30) Fellows Free Time LUNCH (13h00-14h00) Sunday Funday! Heru Maat (re) connection TEA (15h30-16h00) SUN 21 August   Reconnecting Activity 1...

The framing of the Module 3 programme

An extract from the constitution of the World Health Organisation (WHO) helps frame this Module: “The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief,...

About the Eastern Cape

About seven million people live in the Eastern Cape, representing 16% (third largest) of the South African population. The non-urban population amounts to nearly 4,100,000, located in dense concentrations of rural and peri-urban settlements.  The Eastern Cape is...