Activity 12: Leadership & serious fun 

45 minutes Aims | To help us to: Have fun building some key leadership skills Task 1 Team work Outside in some fresh air!  Minefield  Your task as a team is to help a blindfolded colleague to manoeuvre around a set of makeshift  landmines  using only specified...

Activity 11: Exploring styles of leadership 

1 hour 45 minutes Aims | To help us to: Explore styles of leadership and their effects in social justice activism and our in own individual leadership journeys Deepen our understanding of activism and leadership for social change Task 1 Group work Role-play...

Activity 10: Defining leadership

45 minutes Aims | To help us to: Reflect on ourselves as leaders, and those leaders that inspire us and those that demotivate us Develop a common understanding of what leadership is in conventional terms and how this differs from holistic and collective leadership for...