Day 5: Social Change Initiatives

Activity 12: The emerging journey – Our social change initiatives in the context of the political economy of health

Day 5: Social Change Initiatives

Activity 12: The emerging journey – Our social change initiatives in the context of the political economy of health

1 hour 30 minutes


To help us to:

  • Reflect on the week together
  • Reflect on Fellows’ leadership journey thus far
  • Facilitate a follow up engagement between Fellows and/or host organisations 
  • Engage with Fellows, partners and hosts on our SCIs, their conceptualisation, direction and what this means for Fellows’ leadership development as the year continues

Task 1
Journaling time: My learning so far…

(30 minutes) 

Working in your journal, spend a few minutes having a quite reflection on your leadership journey thus far. Think about your entry into the fellowship programme, the one module done, having gone through this second module, your SCIs and working together, coaching, learning etc. You may want to consider:

  1. What has gone well …
  2. What less so …
  3. What you wish could be different …

At the end of your reflection, dig into your stationary kit, grab your leadership journey page, and add your biggest learning thus far. 

In plenary, we will get a chance to share our leadership journeys – for those who wish to.

Task 2
Plenary: Our Social Change Initiatives are taking shape …

(1 hour) 

Tekano partners and hosts will join us for this session. Those who cannot be in the room will connect virtually. This is an important update session for Tekano and fellows to track progress and resolve any issues arising.

In your SCI group, reflect on the following questions for 20 minutes and be ready to report to plenary: 

  1. Tell us about your SCI journey thus far
  2. Do you have any questions for Tekano and/or hosts?
  3. What is exciting about the SCI journey?
  4. Can you think of how political economy as a tool of analysis, can be used in our SCI work? 

The facilitator will close by: 

  • Reflecting back key features of this week’s learnings
  • Crystalising the SCI ‘progress and promise’ picture
  • Discussing the next steps on this leadership development journey.