45 minutes
To help us to:
- Reflect on the Orientation
- Transition from our Orientation time into Module 1
Module 1 Framing Document as evening reading before Day 1 starts.
Task 1
Individual Journaling: Free-writing
25 minutes
Working in your journals, spend the next 15 minutes, quietly reflecting on the Orientation, by using the Free Writing technique to complete the following sentences. The facilitation team will keep time and alert you when each 5 minutes is done:
- Orientation was …. (5 minutes)
- Moving into Module 1 I feel …. 5 minutes)
- During Module 1 we must … (5 minutes)
Free-writing as a journaling technique:
- Start writing with the opening words
- Do not pause or lift your pen/pencil off the page at any point, even when you lose your train of thought
- Do not edit your thoughts or writing as this writing is only for you – just write exactly the words that come into your head). If you lose your train of thoughts, just say the opening words over to yourself and keep writing whatever comes into your mind
- Do not write good grammar (punctuation or good spelling) as this is just for your eyes – just write as fast as you can to follow your thoughts.
Keep going until the 5 minutes is up and the facilitator alerts you.
Fellows will be invited to share reflections in plenary, and we’ll consider what we need to consider and work with as we move into Module 1. (10 minutes)
Task 2
Plenary: What to expect from Module 1
20 minutes
In plenary, we’ll begin with Fellows invited to offer brief feedback on what the Framing Document for Module 1 sparked on reading. The document was circulated during Orientation for overnight reading in preparation for Module 1. (10 minutes)
The facilitator will draw the feedback into a brief presentation of what to expect from Module 1 overall and in particular today’s theme of ‘South Africa in Context’. (10 minutes)
Guest facilitators will be introduced at this point as part of a house-keeping check-in, if not done so at the start of the day. Some will be day guests and others may stay for more than a day. These are specialists who Tekano draws in from a range of areas of expertise, to enrich our learning.