Activity 12: Between now and Module 4

1 hour Aims To help us to: Share in between module 2 and module 3 work and consider its integration into module 4 Begin the conversation on module 4. Task 1 Plenary: Reflecting on between-module work done and what next The Tekano team will offer a synopsis and...

Activity 11: Media for impactful SCI campaigns

1 hour 30 minutes We will be joined by media specialists for this activity. Aims  To help us to: Consider the type of impact that Fellows want their SCI campaign to have Agree the fundamentals for an impactful social change campaign Work with or create content for an...
Activity 10: The week, lab lessons and our SCIs

Activity 10: The week, lab lessons and our SCIs

2 hours Aims  To help us to: Reflect on and consolidate the week’s journey Facilitate a follow up engagement between Fellows and/or host organisations  Receive updates on social change initiatives, their conceptualisation, direction and what this means for your...
Activity 9: Refining our activist leadership 

Activity 9: Refining our activist leadership 

1 hours 30 minute Aims To help us to: Explore the personal qualities of authentic leadership Develop a personal leadership development plan Task 1 Individual work: Updating and refining your own leadership plan 1 hour Remembering your map that you developed at the...
Activity 8: Leadership as agency

Activity 8: Leadership as agency

2 hours 30 minutes Aims To help us to: Discuss ways to view leadership as agency Consider leadership approaches that build the capacity of people and organisations to act and effect change Integrate our SSDOH learnings in deepening our own SCIs Task 1 Group work:...

Activity 7: Fireside Stories about our site visits

2 hours (after an early dinner) Aims To help us to: Relax and reflect together after a physically, intellectually and emotionally demanding day out at site visits Think through how the site visits deepened both the contextual learnings from this module, but also of...