A Map of the Tekano Fellowship 2022
Module 1
The Health Equity Landscape and Leadership for Social Change
- Understanding the current SA context and what this means for health equity for marginalised communities and health as a public good
- Deepened understanding of neoliberalism and its impact on unequal health outcomes
- Analysis of the wider systemic and structural causes of health inequality in SA with an explicit focus on race, class, gender, generational impact
- Building a critically engaged cadre of leadership for social change
- Shared learning and development of critical skills for deepened engagement
Module 2
The Political Economy of Health and Health Systems
- Using political economy analysis as a tool for social change
- Critically understanding health as a human rights
- Deepening our analysis of neoliberal capitalism and it impact on health systems
- Exploring alternatives through global south health systems and movements Social change initiative work through exploring different leadership contexts for social change
Module 3
Unpacking the Structural and Social Determinants of Health: Innovation Labs
- Deepened conceptual grappling with the Social & Structural Determinants of Health (SSDoH)
- Land dispossession as a key lens for historical to current understanding of SSDoH
- Deepened understanding of health differences as racialised, gendered and classist
- Breakaway innovation labs based on key thematic areas linked to social change initiatives on food sovereignty; climate change and a just transition; gender based violence; sexual and reproductive health rights; communities and mental health; LGBTIA+ communities
- Draw lessons from the innovation labs for social change initiative
Module 4
Best Practice Learnings: Building A Movement for Health Equity
- Deepened collective learning about theory and approaches to social change for health equity
- Reflection on how social change happens, social power and the balance of forces in determining organising strategies
- Social movements, communities of practice and leadership – inspirations and comparative critical learning on ‘best practice’ from around the world
- Celebrating the year through colletive self-assessment on the learning journey and its strengths and limitations
- Begin transitioning to the Lifelong Fellowship…
Upon successful completion of the Yearlong Fellowship, Fellows graduate into the Lifelong Fellowship. Tekano engages with Lifelong Fellows through four key areas:
- Implementation of collaborative social change initiatives across affinity groups
- Research, learning and skills development
- Building networks, solidarity and collective leadership for change
- Communications and media for policy research, advocacy, influence and thought leadership
Each module includes key readings to complement conceptual learning or relational development, deepen critical thinking or enhance work on social change initiatives and is supported with coaching, mentoring and psychosocial support throughout.